Indiana lost 10 percent of dairy farms in 2018, but Leman sees improvements

Indiana lost 10 percent of dairy farms in 2018, but Leman sees improvements

Ten percent of Indiana dairy farms closed in 2018 and the

total number of dairy farms dropped below 900.

But, Indiana Dairy Producers Executive Director Doug Leman says it’s not a state issue, it’s a general industry issue.  

“It was not just an Indiana problem, it’s that way throughout the Midwest,” he says. “We might have be a little higher that some states and a little lower than some others, but it’s been a challenge throughout the whole Midwest and we’re looking for better times.”

He tells Brownfield despite the challenges he thinks the

industry is improving.

Continue reading Indiana lost 10 percent of dairy farms in 2018, but Leman sees improvements at Brownfield Ag News.