The vampire action comedy Day Shift hits Netflix Friday, starring Jamie Foxx and Dave Franco as two very different kinds of vampire hunters. The pair talked to ABC Audio about why they think people are fascinated with the fanged blood suckers.
“I think it’s the immortality. I think…it’s a sexiness,” says Foxx. “Everybody that’s played vampires, you know, has had a sexiness to it. Right?”
“For whatever reason, they’re all sexy,” Franco agrees.
Foxx is the lead in the film, which Franco thinks is only right. He says there’s no one else you want as the number one guy on set.
“He comes in, he’s playing music every day, he’s getting everyone hyped up,” he explains. “He just makes you feel confident and comfortable and willing to take risks and willing to fall on your face. And that’s when the best stuff happens.”
Day Shift director J.J. Perry, agrees, adding that Foxx is also one of the most amazing physical specimens he’s every seen.
“I watched him do 42 pull ups. He’s my age,” notes Perry, a stunt man with 149 credits to his name for movies ranging from the Fast and Furious films to John Wick, Django Unchained, and more. “…The strongest young stunt guy got to 24.”
So it’s no surprise that Jamie did almost all of his own stunts, according to Perry, who drew the line at “smashing” the Spider-Man: No Way Home star.
“There’s a couple of times we smashed him through a wall. I used a stunt double just because I can’t have him limping around on set,” he shares. “But he wanted to do everything and he did 99.9% of his business.”
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