The new series Single Drunk Female makes its debut tonight on Freeform, telling the story of Samantha Fink, a late 20s alcoholic realizing things are spiraling out of control.
Sofia Black-D’Elia plays Sam in the series and tells ABC Audio that the show is highly relatable, even if you’re not a late-20s alcoholic from Boston.
“We are all touched by addiction in some way or another,” she says. “We all sort of know somebody or are that person…So it’s sort of impossible to not relate to some part of this story.”
For Black D’Elia, the part of Sam’s journey that she relates to is “when you realize that you’ve spent most of your 20s thinking you know who you are, and you were wrong and you don’t really know anything and you kind of have to start over.”
The creator of Single Drunk Female, Simone Finch, also relates to the titular character and even admits, “I think she is me, but me when I was an alcoholic.”
“Just kidding, I’m still an alcoholic,” Finch jokes. “But when I came into AA at 28, is sort of Sam — they’re very similar, I would say.”
While alcoholism doesn’t necessarily sound like the premise for a comedy, executive producer Daisy Gardner would beg to differ.
“The darkest moments of my life are also the moments that I laugh the hardest,” she explains. “Like, when stuff goes so awry and is so terrible, just something ridiculous will happen. And that’s truly funny to me.”
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