In the wake of a legal victory against actor Anthony Rapp, who accused him of sexual battery but is still facing multiple sexual assault charges in the U.K., Kevin Spacey has booked a movie gig.
Variety reports Spacey has been cast in a voiceover role in a thriller called Control, which will be shot in and around London early next year. The plot centers on an English politician who is kidnapped by a hijacked self-driving car and “taken on a rampage” throughout the city.
Spacey is reportedly playing the role of the voice of the person behind the plot, who speaks with his victim throughout her ordeal.
The trade asked director Gene Fallaize if he had any reservations about casting the disgraced, Oscar-winning actor, and he replied in the negative. The filmmaker said he “grew up” watching the American Beauty and Se7en star, calling Spacey, “one of the greatest actors of our generation.”
Fallaize adds, “His personal life aside — it’s something I can’t comment on and have no knowledge of — it’s an opportunity to work with one of the acting greats.”
Rapp sued Spacey for $40 million over the alleged 1986 encounter in which he claimed the actor picked him up, grabbed his buttocks and laid down on top of him at Spacey’s Manhattan home.
Spacey was fired from the Netflix hit House of Cards amid a swirl of allegations about sexual impropriety. But the trial marked the first time Spacey defended himself in front of a jury.
Variety points out that in addition to the English charges against Spacey, he and his companies are on the hook for $31 million in damages an arbitrator awarded producers of House of Cards, stemming from the loss of him as the lead.
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