Ag suppliers
are still forced to use trucks and railcars to bring inputs north for farmers.
Flooding is keeping much of the Mississippi River closed to barge traffic. The river is expected to crest Monday in St. Louis, and several locks remain closed.
Farther upstream, Patrick Loch (lock) with the St. Paul district tells Brownfield the river levels have receded. “Here, we are good. We are open for business. It’s just a matter of when those tows from further downstream can get up here.”
Most locks
in the Army Corps of Engineers Rock Island, Illinois district remain closed,
but locks at Dubuque and Keokuk, Iowa re-opened over the weekend. Rock
Island set a record Friday with flood waters reaching 22-point-6 feet.
Extreme flooding has all barge traffic at a standstill in the St.
Continue reading Ag suppliers still unable to ship by river at Brownfield Ag News.