Arkansas crops: 67% soybeans and 65% rice rated good to excellent

Arkansas crops: 67% soybeans and 65% rice rated good to excellent

Arkansas farmers continue to battle hot, dry weather.

Soybeans are rated 67% good to excellent, 76% of the crop blooming, and 42% is setting pods.  Cotton is rated 80% good to excellent with 91% squaring and 32% setting bolls. The rice crop is rated 65% rated good to excellent, 4% of the crop is headed.   Peanuts are rated 74% good to excellent with 58% pegging.  Corn is rated 67% good to excellent, 90% of the crop is silking, 41% is in the dough stage, and 7% is dented. 

The second cutting of hay is 51% complete, and 8% of alfalfa hay is rated good.