Arkansas crops: soybeans 77% and cotton 78% rated good to excellent

Arkansas crops: soybeans 77% and cotton 78% rated good to excellent

Crop conditions declined slightly as temperatures rose and rainfall was scarce.

Soybeans are rated 77% good to excellent, with 51% of the crop blooming.  Just 2% of the crop is left to be planted.  Cotton is rated 78% good to excellent with 51% squaring and 2% setting bolls. The rice crop is rated 71% rated good to excellent, and 1% of the crop is headed.   Peanuts are rated 86% good to excellent with 11% pegging.  Corn is rated 75% good to excellent, 58% of the crop is silking and 10% is in the dough stage. 

Winter wheat is 85% harvested.  The first cutting of hay is 95% complete, the second cutting is 19% complete, and 64% is rated good to excellent.