Cattle, hog futures up on limited Japan deal

Cattle, hog futures up on limited Japan deal

At the Chicago

Mercantile Exchange, live cattle ended the day higher ahead of widespread

direct cash business.  News that a preliminary

trade deal with Japan has been signed is also supportive to prices.  Feeder cattle closed higher on the same factors.  October live cattle closed $.87 higher at $103

and December live cattle closed $1.07 higher at $108.50.  October feeder cattle closed $.80 higher at

$142.45 and November feeder cattle closed $.92 higher at $141.12. 

Direct cash cattle

trade activity is at a virtual standstill. 

There were a handful of deals reported in Iowa at $162 dressed – that’s

not near enough to establish a trend. 

Asking prices are holding firm at $104 to $105 live in the South and

$170 dressed in the North.  It’s looking

like significant trade volume won’t develop until the end of the week. 

At the Winter Livestock Market in Dodge City, receipts were down on the week and up on the year. 

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