Cash dairy prices were mixed again Tuesday on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange.
Dry whey was down $0.0150 after three sessions without a change at $0.40. Three sales were recorded, ranging from $0.040 to $0.04050.
Cheese prices tumbled Tuesday. Forty-pound cheese blocks were down $0.0650 at $1.8550. Twelve sales were recorded, ranging from $1.8550 to $1.90.
Cheese barrels were down $0.05 at $2.06. Three sales were recorded, ranging from $2.06 to $1.0675.
Butter was up $0.02 at $3.1125. One sale was recorded at that price.
Nonfat dry milk was up $0.0150 at $1.1750. One sale was recorded at that price.