Dairy groups like Federal spending package

Dairy groups like Federal spending package


groups are pleased with funding and language in the 2020 government spending

package signed by President Trump Friday.

John Umhoefer with the Wisconsin Cheese Makers Association (WCMA) says they appreciate $20 million in funding for Dairy Business Innovation Initiatives in Fiscal Year 2020.  Senator Tammy Baldwin of Wisconsin pushed for the funding, and she says it’s critical that farmers, cheesemakers, and dairy processors have tools to innovate and develop new products.


Manager Jeff Lyon with FarmFirst Dairy Cooperate also praises the innovation

funding, and the additional language Congress added urging the Food and Drug

Administration to enforce existing dairy product labeling rules. 


and others including the National Milk Producers Federation say plant-based

products using dairy terms misguides consumers to believe the imitation

products are nutritionally equivalent when they’re not.  Lyon says the

confirmation of Dr.

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