Egg producer profitability taking hit after hit

Egg producer profitability taking hit after hit

An egg market analyst says highly pathogenic avian influenza is adding insult to injury for US egg producers.  Brian Moscogiuri with Eggs Unlimited says for the last two years US egg producers have faced multiple challenges making profitability even more difficult.

“In terms of investing in their farms to comply with pieces of state legislation for cage-free,” he says.  “Obviously you had the pandemic and had the surge in buying at retail early on the period and the high prices associated with the unprecedented buying at the retail level.”

He tells Brownfield things were finally starting to return to normal.  Until now.  “Now they’re dealing with very, very high grain costs associated with the war,” he says.  “And really high labor costs and high fuel costs.”

Moscogiuri says the road to recovery will likely be lengthy for the farms that are hit.