Ethanol and farm groups react to court decision on Small Refinery Exemptions

Ethanol and farm groups react to court decision on Small Refinery Exemptions

The 10th Circuit Court struck down

three small refinery exemptions Friday, and the ethanol industry is reacting positively

to that court decision.  The court says

the EPA overstepped its authority when issuing small refinery waivers to CVR

Refining and HollyFrontier.

Brian Jennings with the American Coalition for Ethanol says there’s more work ahead. “Eighty-five refinery exemptions have been granted from 2016 through 2018. This case only vacates three of those.”

Geoff Cooper with the Renewable Fuels Association tells Brownfield this decision gives the ethanol industry an opportunity to fight back against the other small refinery exemptions.

Continue reading Ethanol and farm groups react to court decision on Small Refinery Exemptions at Brownfield Ag News.