Farm Bureau urging passage of rural electric co-op bill

Farm Bureau urging passage of rural electric co-op bill

American Farm Bureau is

asking Congress to quickly pass a bill that would help electric cooperatives

with projects like expanding broadband.

The Revitalizing Under-Developed Rural Areas and Lands Act bill would allow electric co-ops to keep their tax-exempt status after receiving government grants.

Most of them have to get 85%

of their income from members to remain tax-exempt. Since the Tax Cuts and Jobs

Act classifies grants as income, electric cooperatives are struggling to meet

that requirement. 

Farm Bureau President Zippy

Duvall says rural electric co-ops play a critical role in making sure rural

America has reliable power and high-speed internet access and encourages

lawmakers to quickly pass the bill.

Continue reading Farm Bureau urging passage of rural electric co-op bill at Brownfield Ag News.