Dairy producers might have to
follow new guidelines for pain management and disbudding calves under the Farmers
Assuring Responsible Management or FARM program next year.
Emily Yeiser-Stepp directs the program for the National Milk Producers
Federation. She tells Brownfield one expected
change is in the area of managing drug records for livestock. “What we’re looking to do is add in an
expectation around drug treatment records with continued scrutiny over how we’re
using the antibiotics within the industry, (and) the importance to demonstrate
that we are keeping our records.”
And, she says they’re looking
at requiring disbudding or dehorning after eight weeks of age to be considered
a surgical procedure that would have to be done by veterinarians. “From a standards-based arena though, for
disbudding, this would only focus on the dairy calf. BQA (Beef Quality Assurance Program) has the
same type of expectations around their disbudding practices.”
Jennifer Van Os with the
University of Wisconsin tells Brownfield not everyone agrees on the pain
management issue. “Not all vets,
producers, the public, etc.
Continue reading FARM program considering medication, dehorning guidelines at Brownfield Ag News.