A first-of-its-kind study shows U.S. food and agriculture
industries contribute more than $7-Trillion-dollars a year to the nation’s
John Bode, president of the Corn Refiners Association, speaking on behalf of the Feeding the Economy study, says the data was compiled on behalf of 23 national ag and food groups to speak in one voice, “It’s a joint effort because we fell that the role of food and agriculture in our economy is not appropriately appreciated.”
Bode says agriculture is a large, impressively complex
industry and people need to know how much it matters, “It’s constantly evolving
but most people don’t realize that one-fourth of all American jobs are
agriculture related and that’s the story we want to tell.”
Bode says the Feeding the Economy report is broken down by
states and congressional districts – has been made available to governors and
other leaders and is supported by the chairmen of the U.S.
Continue reading Feeding the Economy to the tune of $7-Trillion a year at Brownfield Ag News.