The head of USDA’s Farm
Service Agency says implementation of the 2018 Farm Bill has been slowed down
but that will NOT negatively impact farmers. Richard Fordyce tells Brownfield
the TOP priority at FSA is to get the farm bill implemented, “When you have 35
days you can’t work, that’s 35 days of work you didn’t get done. But we’re
working very, very hard to make sure that we are implementing this. The
Secretary is very clear that he wants us to get these programs rolled out as
quickly as possible.”
Fordyce says the second round
of Market Facilitation Program (MFP) payments
is about finished but farmers with crops still in the field DO have until May 1st
to submit that information and many of them need that time, “I know this has just
been, certainly in the Midwest this has just been one heck of a winter.
Continue reading Fordyce says Farm Bill is FSA priority #1 at Brownfield Ag News.