Fungicide-resistant frogeye leaf spot found in South Dakota soybeans

Fungicide-resistant frogeye leaf spot found in South Dakota soybeans

photo courtesy of Iowa State University

A common soybean disease has shown resistance to fungicides

in South Dakota.

Plant pathologists with South Dakota State University and the University of Kentucky have confirmed the pathogen that causes frogeye leaf spot is resistant to QoI fungicides like Headline and Quadris.

Febina Mathew with SDSU says this type of resistance was first documented in Tennessee nine years ago.

“And as of 2018 they detected fungicide resistance in Cercospora sojina in 14 other states including Iowa.”

She tells Brownfield this is the first case of fungicide-resistant frogeye leaf spot in South Dakota, and neighboring states Minnesota, Nebraska and North Dakota have not had any reports of resistance yet.

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