Hog producers should prepare for more volatility

Hog producers should prepare for more volatility

Cash and futures hog prices have been on a roller coaster

lately and a livestock economist says that volatility is likely to continue.

University of Missouri’s Scott Brown says the recent rally

has been based all on demand.  “It

certainly hasn’t come from the supply side,” he says.  “Because we’re going to continue to talk

about growth in production.”

He tells Brownfield the reports that China hasn’t been able

to control the spread of African Swine Fever has been a huge factor in the recent

rise in hog prices.  “I think US markets

are looking forward to the opportunity to move more product to China,” he

says.  “And that’s where we’re going to

get this on-again/off-again.  If we get information

that maybe the disease isn’t as bad we’ll get prices moving down, if we get

more information that African Swine Fever is worse – we’ll see prices move


But, Brown says the total losses in China are still unknown

and the lack of information adds to the volatility to the market.   He says

the trend of prices moving sharply higher one week and moving lower the next

will likely continue for the foreseeable future. 

Continue reading Hog producers should prepare for more volatility at Brownfield Ag News.