Lighthizer: China deal remains priority

Lighthizer: China deal remains priority

The US Trade Representative says finalizing a trade deal with

China continues to be one of the top priorities for the Trump


During a hearing with the Senate Finance Committee, Robert

Lighthizer told committee members the President is keeping farm country in mind

as they move through trade negotiations. 

“Particularly with respect to China – no one has a bigger upside to opening

up China than agriculture,” he says.  “Well

sell them, in a normal year, $18 to $19 billion worth of product.  Less last year for a variety of reasons.”

Ranking Member of the Senate Ag Committee, Michigan Senator

Debbie Stabenow says she doesn’t think the Trump Administration has agriculture

as a priority.  “The budget came out

yesterday,” she says.  “It has a 31

percent cut in farm bill programs for Rural America.  Plus a 15 percent cut to the USDA to be able

to enforce and provide the farm bill programs.”

Stabenow says nobody has been more

negatively impacted from the President’s actions on China than


Lighthizer says he’s hopeful the Administration is in the final weeks of talks and a deal will be secured soon.

Continue reading Lighthizer: China deal remains priority at Brownfield Ag News.