McCook Central alum Streff named FFA Star in Agricultural Placement

McCook Central alum Streff named FFA Star in Agricultural Placement

PHOTO: National FFA

Andrew Streff of Salem, South Dakota is the 2019 National FFA

Star in Agricultural Placement. Streff, from the McCook Central FFA Chapter in

Salem, started his supervised agricultural experience (SAE) on the family farm,

tending 1,500 acres of corn and soybeans with his father. He added to his SAE with

two internships, the first with Central Farmers Cooperative doing crop scouting.

Streff’s second internship was at Winfield United in Ohio where he ran test

plot trials and helped producers troubleshoot crop issues.

Continue reading McCook Central alum Streff named FFA Star in Agricultural Placement at Brownfield Ag News.