Missouri broadband grant applications start soon

Missouri broadband grant applications start soon

Missouri will start taking

applications soon for a total of $5-Million in broadband grants authorized by

the state legislature.  Missouri Ag

Director Chris Chinn says it’s a first step in getting broadband to more rural

areas of the state…

“Eligible applicants are

going to be corporations and businesses, non-profit organizations and rural

electric cooperatives. The money has to be spent for infrastructure needs and

it has to be for 25 megabytes down and 3 megabytes up, minimum.”

She says those companies must

be working toward the future which will ultimately help farmers, “It’s going to

help lay that middle mile, so to speak, to make sure that we’re one step closer

to getting internet to every farm and ranch and farmgate here in the state of


Chinn says it is NOT all the money that is needed to expand the reach of high speed internet to all of rural Missouri bit it’s an important part.

Continue reading Missouri broadband grant applications start soon at Brownfield Ag News.