MOU will mean more U.S. DDGS going to Mexico

MOU will mean more U.S. DDGS going to Mexico

The Missouri Corn Merchandising Council, the U.S. Grains

Council and the Regional Livestock Pork Producers Union of Sonora, Mexico signed

a memorandum of understanding that will result in more U.S. distiller’s dried

grains with solubles (DDGS) going to Mexico.

The project is a joint investment between Missouri Corn and Sonoran pork producers

to buy hard railcar unloaders – known as “stingers” – for a rail terminal in

the state of Sonora, Mexico. Stingers decrease the time and labor required to unload

DDGS from rail cars.

Continue reading MOU will mean more U.S. DDGS going to Mexico at Brownfield Ag News.