Multi-state data project aims to help soybean growers

Multi-state data project aims to help soybean growers

A multi-state project is using big data to give soybean growers better results.

Shawn Conley with the University of Wisconsin says for nearly a decade, they’ve been gathering more and more farmer data so they can develop more prescriptive solutions to make farmers more productive and profitable.  “As we know, farmers are just collecting so much data on the farm, and it just sits there. It either sits in their combine or sits in their computer, and we want to be able to synthesize it and be able to turn around and provide farmers information that can really improve their farming practices.”

Shawn Conley

Conley says now through the Data-Driven Knowledge project, they’re going onto farmer’s fields with a scouting app and collecting data in addition to the agronomic data from the farmer.