NPPC reviews mixed on Senate authorization of FMD vaccine bank

NPPC reviews mixed on Senate authorization of FMD vaccine bank

The National Pork Producers Council welcomed inclusion of a Foot-and-Mouth Disease vaccine bank in the Senate farm bill while expressing concern about how the bank gets funded.

Dustin Baker with NPPC says while it’s good to see authorization of the vaccine bank, the Senate farm bill language did not include mandatory funding.

“And we understand that unless it has mandatory funding it’s not going to work.  So we’re still advocating for full mandatory funding for a vaccine bank over the course of the Farm Bill, and we were happy to see that there was mandatory funding on the House side.”

However, he tells Brownfield funding in the House farm bill was not to the level NPPC has been advocating for.

Continue reading NPPC reviews mixed on Senate authorization of FMD vaccine bank at Brownfield Ag News.