One Health Certified: a uniform labeling system

One Health Certified: a uniform labeling system

A poultry veterinarian wants to see a labeling system for

meat and poultry products that reduces consumer confusion.

Dr. Don Ritter with North-Carolina based Mountaire Farms found 18 different antibiotic labels on products in grocery stores.  “There’s no way for consumers to know what that means,” he says.  “It’s all private label claims.  Whereas this is a public, benchmark, and level-the-playing field program open to any producers.”

He tells Brownfield the One

Health Certified
program simplifies the labeling process and recognizes that

the health of animals, people, and the planet are linked together.   “The

way we do things in one bucket effects the other bucket,” he says.  “For example – if we take all the antibiotics

out than the animal health and welfare is not going to be as good as it should

or could be.”

The One Health Certified labeling program will be tested first in more vertically integrated sectors like poultry, turkey, and pork and could be seen as early as this summer. 

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