Parson pleased WOTUS repealed

Parson pleased WOTUS repealed

Missouri Governor Mike Parson says he’s pleased the EPA and

Corps of Engineers have officially repealed the Waters of the U.S. rule.

“They should have done that a long time ago. You know, but I

know the bureaucracy works but look – the federal government doesn’t need to be

regulating our ponds in our farms or a mud puddle.”

Parson says that’s the extreme result that happens when

government tries to take over, “And these are decisions that are being made by

a lot of people that’s never stepped foot on a farm and that’s what’s sad about

the whole process.”

Brownfield interviewed Governor Parson, who is also a cattle farmer, at the Means Family Farm in Fulton.

Continue reading Parson pleased WOTUS repealed at Brownfield Ag News.