Perdue is doing his job, Mr. Kind

“This seems to be a one-man operation in Bob Lighthizer,” a frustrated Rep. Ron Kind (D, WI) recently observed of the White House’s Hill juggernaut to educate/mollify Democrats as President Trump pushes for congressional approval of the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) by August. “Where’s the agriculture secretary for crying out loud?” He’s busy doing his job, Mr. Kind. Just after Trump lifted U.S. steel/aluminum tariffs on Canada and Mexico – clearing the way for their respective legislative actions – Kind asked his question about Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue during an interview on the prospects for USMCA ratification.  Kind was wearing his hat as the former chair of The New Democrat Coalition, described in one report as “101 moderate, trading-supporting Democrats.” The coalition has the same concerns as the rest of its caucus, namely enforcement, labor, environment and pharmaceutical pricing.

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