Perdue says ’18 Farm Bill should help small dairies

Perdue says ’18 Farm Bill should help small dairies

Ag Secretary Sonny Perdue

says the 2018 Farm Bill should help stem the flow of small dairy farms going

out of business but he says there’s an economy-of-scale issue in America.

Perdue says, “Big get bigger

and small go out and that’s kind of what we’ve seen here. It’s very difficult

on an economy of scale with the capital needs and all the environmental regulations

and everything else today to survive milking 40, 50, 60 or even a hundred cows.”

Perdue told reporters at

World Dairy Expo there’s no guarantee in America for small business profitability

or survival, “That depends on each and every farmer and dairy farmer.

Continue reading Perdue says ’18 Farm Bill should help small dairies at Brownfield Ag News.