Pork production projected to surpass beef by 2028

Pork production projected to surpass beef by 2028

Overall pork production in the US is expected to edge out beef production by 2028, according to the USDA’s latest Long-term Projections Report. Beef production is set to rise less than 1 percent per year, nearing 30 billion pounds by 2028.  Pork production is expected to trail beef production for most of the next decade, but USDA projects it to eclipse beef production with just over 30 billion pounds in 2028. 

Beef cattle prices are projected to decline over the next 10

years as production will likely outpace demand. 

Hog prices are expected to remain steady or increase slowly following an

initial decline in prices. 

The USDA says feed costs are projected to remain relatively

low and that, combined with continued strong global demand, could incentivize

expansion in the livestock sector. 

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