A member of the U.S. House Agriculture Committee expects work on the next farm bill to pick up sooner rather than later.
Congressman Mike Bost, of Illinois, tells Brownfield…
“The Republican members had a meeting with the chairman just earlier this week where we were told that we will be moving it by Memorial Day,” he says.
He’s says he’s yet to see text of the bill, but…
“There is an increase in the title one to try to deal with inflation.” He says, “There’s a whole lot of other sensible maneuvers to more efficiently deliver on the nutrition side, but also then we’re going to be working with increasing funding for trade.”
Bost says he remains optimistic Congress can come together to get a farm bill finished…
“No matter where you go in my district, that’s the one issue that comes up over and over and over again.” He says, “We’ve got to get it across the finish line.”
The current extension of the 2018 Farm Bill expires at the end of September.