SD Farmers Union says SAFE rule the biofuels solution

SD Farmers Union says SAFE rule the biofuels solution

The president of the South Dakota Farmers Union and a former

South Dakota Senator Tom Daschle says the SAFE rule is the path to higher

ethanol volumes.

Doug Sombke tells Brownfield the SAFE Affordable Fuel

Efficiency rule moves the nation to higher octane gasoline and using 30%

ethanol blends would achieve that, “It looks it’s the best way that we could

this thing passed to where we could have higher blends of fuel, and not only

would it be good for the environment, it would be good for family farmers, it

would be good for the ethanol industry.”

Sombke says President Trump could direct EPA to enforce

toxics controls while increasing octane with a stroke of a pen, “The solution

that we’re proposing is the one that will get him out of this quagmire.”

Sombke says former Senator Dashle is an important voice, “Senator

Daschle, of course you know, is one of the main individuals getting the RFS

passed and the RFS2 passed and he helped with the Clean Air Act.

Continue reading SD Farmers Union says SAFE rule the biofuels solution at Brownfield Ag News.