Senator Grassley says Senate farm bill debate could get pushed into October

Senator Grassley says Senate farm bill debate could get pushed into October

U.S. Senator Chuck Grassley of Iowa says he doesn’t anticipate the Senate marking up its version of the 2023 Farm Bill until after the current legislation expires in September.

“It probably will be early October,” he says. 

He says there hasn’t been enough movement on a farm bill to start mark-up any sooner.

During his call with reporters on Tuesday, Grassley said for the first time since the 1990’s the Senate Appropriations Committee has moved all 12 appropriations bills out of committee with bipartisan support. 

The House, however, adjourned for its August recess before voting on the Ag Appropriations bill.  Grassley says he doesn’t expect the appropriations discussions to impact the farm bill debate in the House.  , “But if it does, appropriations would have a higher priority than the farm bill,” he says.  “And it could lead to a one-year extension of the existing farm bill.”

The House isn’t scheduled to return until September 12, which would leave 12 days legislative days to pass an Ag spending bill ahead of the end of the fiscal year.