Southern Illinois double crops look profitable in 2023 despite high inputs

Southern Illinois double crops look profitable in 2023 despite high inputs

What do wheat and double crop soybean system budgets look like in this rising input cost environment?

Ryan Batts with University of Illinois Extension tells Brownfield looking at season average prices and projected inputs costs, double crop soybean systems in southern Illinois should remain profitable in 2023.

He says their estimated operator and land return for corn is $232 per acre for corn and just $222 for soybeans, but for double crops “We are looking at a $281 return, $41 of that to wheat and $240 of that to double crop soybeans.”

He says there are a lot of variables with input costs fluctuating and commodity price volatility, but “Assuming the wheat makes it through the winter and looks decent and you can get the wheat off and double crops planted in a timely manner, I think this rotation looks like it is pretty promising for this year.”

Batts reviewed projected income, yields, prices, costs and budgets for soybeans following wheat during the Double Crop Farmers’ Forum in Mt.