A recent global survey finds most consumers recognize meat, fish and eggs as an important part of a healthy and environmentally responsible diet. They responded to Cargill’s ongoing Food-4-Thought survey, “We were excited to learn that 93% of the consumers talked about how important animal protein in their diet is to them and they believe it’s an important part of a healthy diet.”
Chuck Warta, president of Cargill’s premix and nutrition business, tells Brownfield Ag News consumers understand the importance of animal proteins to feed the world and themselves, in a sustainable way, “This report really said, while consumers appreciate the
challenge and the consumer of the world understand it, they’re much more in
tune with this than what maybe what some of the more of the extreme views might
think – that people don’t understand this.”
He says there is still a lack of understanding about all the
other health benefits of animal protein, such as beef, which is a rich source
of iron and B vitamins as well.
Continue reading Survey: Most consumers know importance of animal proteins at Brownfield Ag News.