Syngenta celebrates grand opening of Trait Conversion Accelerator

Syngenta celebrates grand opening of Trait Conversion Accelerator

Syngenta’s new $30-million Trait Conversion Accelerator will

help bring corn traits to market quicker. 

David Hollinrake, regional director for Syngenta Seeds North America, says the facility will shorten the product development life cycle.  “We can push the boundaries of the genetic potential and ensure we have the traits integrated properly,” he says.  “And ultimately bring it to market at least a year faster than before.”

He tells Brownfield Syngenta is committed to helping farmers

maximize their return on investment – especially in a time when they are faced

with significant economic challenges.  “As

you think forward some of the innovations that will be enabled through gene editing

will help farmers overcome some of these abiotic stresses,” he says. 

AUDIO: David Hollinrake, Syngenta

Kevin Ross, an Iowa farmer and first vice president of the National

Corn Growers Association says the facility gives farmers more options when it

comes to seed selection.  “If we can

address an issue quicker down the line it could mean millions if not billions

of dollars to the industry if we have a pest problem that can be addressed that

much quicker,” he says.

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