Tennessee crops: corn 75% and soybeans 76% good to excellent

Tennessee crops: corn 75% and soybeans 76% good to excellent

Temperatures are hot, but crop conditions are holding steady in Tennessee.  Corn is rated 75% good to excellent with 72% of the crop in the dough stage and 10% in dent.  Soybeans are rated 76% good to excellent with 55% setting pods. Cotton is rated 77% good to excellent with 64% setting bolls and 1% opening. 

Pastures are rated 69% good to excellent.  Many producers in the West and Central parts of Tennessee were making hay last week with producers getting a second and even a third cutting of hay. 

Tobacco sets are rated 71% good to excellent with 52% topped. 

Topsoil is 82% and subsoil is 86% adequate to surplus.