The impact of Australian wildfires on the cattle industry

The impact of Australian wildfires on the cattle industry

The combination of widespread and prolonged drought and wildfires in Australia is forcing cattle liquidation and pushing total cattle numbers in that country to 30-year lows. 

Oklahoma State University ag economist Derrell Peel says their

ability to maintain production and export levels will be compromised for

several years.  “The USDA’s latest

projections for global beef markets for major exporting countries forecast for

2020 the US to export more beef than Australia – I think – for the first time

ever,” he says. 

He tells Brownfield with the shortage in beef coming out of

Australia, and China becoming the major driver in global beef markets, there

are increasing opportunities for the US beef sector.  “If you combine a trade deal that begins to

unwind some of the tariff limitations that we face, combined with the growing

demand for beef in China anyway,” he says. 

“And then add to that, the overall protein deficit in China – all of

that suggests tremendous opportunities.”

Peel says Australia is expected to drop to fourth place in

the global beef export race, falling behind Brazil, India, and the US.  Additional herd liquidation is likely if conditions do not


AUDIO: Derrell Peel, Oklahoma State University

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