Cattle producers are raising some of the highest quality beef in the industry’s history – and it’s adding value to their product.
“None of us are in business to break even every single year.”
Kara Lee with Certified Angus Beef says consumers buying trends have changed and they’re reaching for higher quality products at the meat case. But that change hasn’t happened overnight. “You know it takes a long time to turn the Titanic,” she says. “We’re not like the other protein industries.”
She says getting to this level of quality has required producers to make investments in genetics. “The decisions we’re making today in the beef business are going to impact the quality of the product that goes into the box for next year and the year after that,” she says. “And sometimes it might mean you have to spend a little bit more money for that high-quality Angus bull that’s going to influence your calves.”
Lee says producers have to look at the big picture. “How much is it going to cost you if you’re trying to skimp out on those genetics that all the sudden may be below average next year when you’re simply getting a commodity break-even price for those calves.”
Brownfield interviewed Lee during Trade Talk at the recent 2021 National Association of Farm Broadcasting annual meeting in Kansas City.