Warren County the latest Agri-Ready Missouri County

Warren County the latest Agri-Ready Missouri County

Warren County is the latest Missouri county to earn the Agri-Ready designation for its support of agricultural development and economic growth. The advocacy group Missouri Farmers Care grants the designation to counties that create an environment conducive to agriculture entrepreneurship. “Agri-Ready County designation is a win-win,” said Ashley McCarty, executive director of Missouri Farmers Care, in an interview with Brownfield Ag News. “It is something that every county should pursue. It’s a great fit and can be used as a tool for every county across the state to enhance, bolster and build their biggest industry, which is undoubtedly agriculture.” The latest data says Warren County generated $287.7 million in agriculture product sales in 2016.

Continue reading Warren County the latest Agri-Ready Missouri County at Brownfield Ag News.