
Thousands in Spain protest men cleared of rape charge, given lighter sentence
Pablo Blazquez Dominguez/Getty Images(MADRID) — Thousands of women’s rights advocates hit the streets of Spain’s major cities Thursday to protest a verdict that cleared five men of rape, instead handing down a lighter sentence for [Read More…]

Son of US detainee in North Korea stays hopeful amid anticipation of Trump-Kim talk
iStock/Thinkstock(NEW YORK) — Amid anticipation of an unprecedented meeting between President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, the son of a U.S. citizen detained in North Korea is trying to stay positive. [Read More…]

Setting up for success on your farm
Getting a good handle on fertility early on is key to a successful growing year. Understanding nitrogen, potassium and lime levels greatly impacts other decisions that need to be made on the farm. Every season [Read More…]

Animal welfare challenges get less attention, but still exist
Concerns involving animal welfare and animal rights are no longer generating daily headlines like they did a few years ago. But the director of the Center for Animal Welfare Science at Purdue University, Candace Croney, [Read More…]

Tom Brokaw denies harassing former colleague
Heidi Gutman/NBC/NBCU Photo Bank via Getty Images(NEW YORK) — Longtime NBC News anchor Tom Brokaw said he “made no romantic overtures” toward a former colleague who told at least two other media outlets he acted [Read More…]

Record rainfall leads to flooding in New England, summer-like temperatures on the way
iStock/Thinkstock(NEW YORK) — Several days of record rainfall combined with melting snow is causing flooding in some New England towns. On Thursday more than 3 inches of rain fell near Bar Harbor, Maine, while Augusta, [Read More…]

Prince William, Princess Kate announce name of newborn son
Chris Jackson/Getty Images(LONDON) — Prince William and Princess Kate have announced the name of their third child: Louis Arthur Charles. The baby will be known as His Royal Highness Prince Louis of Cambridge, Kensington Palace [Read More…]

Hundreds in caravan of Central Americans expected to claim asylum at border on Sunday
iStock/Thinkstock(NEW YORK) — The group responsible for organizing a month-long journey of hundreds of Central Americans away from violence in their homelands and toward the U.S. reiterated on Thursday that the men, women, teens and [Read More…]

North Korea, South Korea agree to end war, denuclearize peninsula
Korea Summit Press Pool/Getty Images(NEW YORK) — North Korea and South Korea have agreed to denuclearize the peninsula and later this year formally end the war between the two nations that began in 1950. The [Read More…]

Farmers Union VP says House Ag Committee farm bill needs more than a SNAP fix
The Vice President of the National Farmers Union says the SNAP program reforms are not the only problems in the House Ag Committee’s version of the farm bill. Patty Edelburg tells Brownfield mandatory funding for [Read More…]

USDA says most dairy products had more production in 2017
The new USDA report shows butter production rose four-tenths of a percent, and American type cheese up 6.4% Gouda cheese production was up 11.6% and Romano production was up 11.2% over 2016. The biggest drop [Read More…]

North Korea’s Kim Jong Un crosses DMZ line for historic meeting with South Korea
Chung Sung-Jun/Getty Images(NEW YORK) — North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has crossed the line dividing the demilitarized zone (DMZ) to meet with South Korean President Moon Jae-in in what’s being described as a historic [Read More…]

Milo Yiannopoulos appearing at Cal Poly amid racially charged climate on campus
Michael Masters/Getty Images(SAN LUIS OBISPO, Calif.) — Controversy surrounds Milo Yiannopoulos’ speech this evening at the California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, after the school was at the center of multiple racially charged incidents [Read More…]

Farmers watching livestock after refinery explosion
An explosion at a Superior, Wisconsin oil refinery Thursday has some farmers concerned about livestock. Mark and Cora Liebaert raise beef southeast of Superior. Cora Liebaert tells Brownfield that as of late Thursday afternoon, the [Read More…]

Governor, Ag Secretary, FSA Director tour Wisconsin farms damaged by blizzard
Government leaders want Wisconsin farmers impacted by the recent blizzard they will help them recover. Wisconsin Ag Secretary Sheila Harsdorf tells Brownfield, “The northeast was hit hard with this storm and we, between the federal [Read More…]

Roberts promises Senate farm bill action ‘in early May’
Senate Ag Committee chair Pat Roberts says he expects committee markup of the Senate farm bill to take place in early May—and he says it could reach the Senate floor soon after that. “I will [Read More…]

Missouri extends dicamba deadline for SE Missouri
Farmers in Southeast Missouri now have more time to use new formulations of dicamba. Missouri Ag Director Chris Chinn says because of wet weather and slow planting, farmers will need that extra time. The state use label [Read More…]

MFA applicators focus on early dicamba application
Missouri-based MFA cooperative is stressing caution to its applicators when it comes to over-the-top use of newer dicamba herbicides this growing season. Jason Weirich, MFA director of agronomy, tells Brownfield Ag News it’s important to remember [Read More…]

Russia accused of ‘obscene masquerade’ after flying in alleged witnesses to Syrian chemical attack
iStock/Thinkstock(NEW YORK) — Russia has been accused by Britain and France of organizing an “obscene masquerade.” These claims come after Russia reportedly flew in several Syrians to the headquarters of the Organization for the Prohibition [Read More…]

Parents meet 911 dispatcher who helped them deliver baby at home
iStock/Thinkstock(JESSUP, Pa.) — A couple forced to deliver their fourth child at home with the help of a 911 dispatcher on the line recently got to meet the woman they deemed their “real-life hero.” On [Read More…]