Ag News
Ohio farmer says crops could use some rain
Mostly dry conditions continued in Ohio this week. Greg Corcoran, a southern Ohio farmer, says his crops could use some rain in the coming weeks. “I think our corn is pretty well set but we [Read More…]
Minnesota farmer sees silver lining to weather challenges
A south-central Minnesota farmer sees a silver lining to the weather extremes his crops have endured this season. “The one thing that extreme weather conditions can (do) is really teach us some things.” That’s Kevin [Read More…]
Lean hogs firm on discount to cash
At the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, live cattle futures closed lower on lack of buyer support and the recent lack of direction from the cash trade. Feeder cattle closed lower, pressured by higher corn futures. August [Read More…]
USDA: fractional changes for monthly ag price indices
The USDA says its indices of prices paid and received didn’t change much from May to June. The index of prices received was up 0.1%, with crop and livestock also posting fractional increases, 0.7% and [Read More…]
CME dairy markets mixed Monday
Dairy prices were mixed at the Chicago Mercantile Exchange Monday. July Class Three milk was down $.02 at $14.12. August was down $.08 at $14.94. September was down $.02 to $15.62. October was up $.07 [Read More…]
Perdue: trade relief package won’t make farmers whole
The head of USDA says farmers shouldn’t expect the $12 billion aid package to make up for market disruptions caused by trade disputes. “If a farmer sees a $2 drop in soybean prices, then they [Read More…]
New 50 series Axial-Flow combines from Case IH
Case IH is expanding its combine lineup with new 50 series Axial-Flow combines, which include new Axial-flow 250 series combines equipped with an optional AFS Harvest Command combine automation system. (Link to news release) The [Read More…]
Farmer says he has improved soil with cover crops
An Eastern Illinois farmer says the less-desirable soil types on his farm have done a complete 180 since he started using cover crops. David Olson says they have also helped crop health and yield. “In [Read More…]
River Friendly Farmer Awards Ceremony
Amie Sites will emcee the River Friendly Farmer Awards Ceremony by the Indiana Association of Soil and Water Conservation Districts on Wednesday, August 15 at the Indiana State Fairgrounds, Indianapolis. Continue reading River Friendly Farmer [Read More…]
Ceres Solutions’ 2018 Knowledge Event.
Brownfield’s Amie Sites will be on the ground in Perrysville, Indiana Thursday, August 16 for the Ceres Solutions’ 2018 Knowledge Event. Continue reading Ceres Solutions’ 2018 Knowledge Event. at Brownfield Ag News.
Farmer says crops are looking good despite some disease pressure
An eastern Illinois farmer says he had one of the easiest planting seasons and his crops are looking good. David Olson grows corn, soybeans, and wheat in Vermillion County. “We’ve had some recent rains here [Read More…]
Farmers say harvest success depends on August weather
In some parts of the Upper Midwest, the soybean crop looks as if it will yield well. “The crop looks very good and has the potential to be extremely good,” said farm manager Tom Peters, [Read More…]
Australia a model of successful free trade
The director of market development for the Minnesota Soybean Research and Promotion Council points to Australia as a model of successful free trade. Kim Nill says as the U.S. faces trade disruptions from other importers, [Read More…]
Iowa farmer says Trump aid package won’t allow ag to flourish
A central Iowa farmer and member of Farmers for Free Trade says the aid package proposed by the Trump Administration does little to address his concerns. Scott Henry of Nevada tells Brownfield bailouts won’t allow [Read More…]
Farmer says crops looking good despite hot temps
An east central Illinois farmer says although it’s shaping up to be one of the hottest summers on record, his crops are looking good. Tom Kentner grows corn and soybeans in Vermillion County. “Corn yields [Read More…]
This week’s lower wholesale values pressure hog futures
At the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, live cattle closed mostly higher on short covering ahead of widespread direct cash business. Trade volume was light. Feeder cattle were mostly lower, pressured by supply and demand concerns. August [Read More…]
New data says crop insurance is responsive to price
Some previous studies on crop insurance have determined that the risk management tool is so critical to farmers that is unresponsive to price, but a new study by Cornell University says that that isn’t true. [Read More…]
USDA official pleased with reaction to ‘farm aid’ plan
A top USDA official says he’s pleased with farmer reaction to the administration’s proposed farm aid package. “I think that farmers realize that we’ve got the right target in mind,” says Greg Ibach, undersecretary for [Read More…]
Spring wheat tour results less than expected
The spring wheat crop is likely to be less than first thought. The Wheat Quality Council’s just-completed Hard Red Spring and Durum Wheat Tour yield estimate is 41.1 bushels to the acre. “Certainly that’s not [Read More…]
Bayer appealing EU on neonicotinoid ban
Bayer will be appealing a ruling by the General Court of the European Union to ban neonicotinoids. Darren Wallis with Bayer’s North American Crop Science Division tells Brownfield science-based innovation in agriculture is important to [Read More…]