$50,000 Bond on Man shot Last Week by Sioux Falls Police

Sean Kilbourn, who was shot by officers from the Sioux Falls Police Department after a foot chase, now faces a $50,000 bond.

The police department has declined to comment further on Kilbourn’s case, as it is under investigation by the Division of Criminal Investigation.

Prior to the shooting, Kilbourn was allegedly involved in an incident where he threatened a resident with a gun. It remains unclear if Kilbourn had drawn or pointed a weapon at the officer, but a firearm was recovered at the scene.

Kilbourn was initially charged with possession of a firearm with a previous felony drug conviction and has now been charged with additional offenses, including burglary, aggravated assault, and grand theft.

He is scheduled to have an initial hearing regarding the new charges.

Kilbourn was known to the police department, and although not designated as a parole absconder, he had failed to comply with some parole conditions.