Artists can apply for program grants in South Dakota

Artists interested in applying to participate in the South Dakota Arts Council’s (SDAC) Artists in Schools and Communities (AISC) and Touring Arts roster programs have through Sept. 4 to complete application.

The Artists in Schools and Communities program provides intensive, hands-on education in all arts disciplines to students of all ages by providing funds to schools and nonprofit organizations for residency activities. Artists develop their own residency lesson plans and then adapt them for work throughout the state. Residencies are coordinated through the South Dakota Arts Council office as part of the Arts in Education program.

The SDAC’s Touring Arts roster provides quality arts experiences in communities across South Dakota through a matching grant program for performances, programs and presentations. Nonprofit organizations work directly with the artists available for booking during the two-year touring period.

Artists interested in applying for the Artists in Schools & Communities or Touring Arts rosters must apply online through the SDAC’s e-grants system. Hard copies or incomplete applications will not be accepted. For complete programming information, resources, and instructions to apply, visit the AISC applicant portal at Visit the Touring Arts portal at A webinar to assist applicants will be held at 2 pm CDT/1 pm MDT, Aug. 2. Register at

An office of the South Dakota Department of Tourism, the South Dakota Arts Council’s mission is to provide grants and services to artists, arts organizations and schools across the state, with funding from the National Endowment for the Arts and the South Dakota Legislature.