Attorney General Jackley Releases 2022 Crime in South Dakota Report

PIERRE, S.D. – South Dakota Attorney General Marty Jackley announces the Crime in South Dakota 2022 Report is indicating that the number of criminal offenses reported statewide in 2022 were consistent with 2021.

South Dakota law enforcement agencies reported the number of total criminal offenses during 2022 were 68,768, which is slightly down from 69,430 in 2021. There were 36,390 arrests made in 2022, which is also a decrease from 38,160 recorded in 2021.

“Law enforcement agencies statewide are aggressively fighting crime in South Dakota, and those prevention efforts in key areas are working,” said Attorney General Jackley. “Law enforcement continues to focus on prevention and enforcement efforts on methamphetamine, fentanyl, and related violent crimes.”

Law enforcement agencies reported that the more serious crimes, which include such crimes as homicides, sex offenses and aggravated assaults, totaled 48,134 offenses in 2022, compared to 46,485 in 2021. The number of less serious offenses, which include such crimes as DUI and disorderly conduct, were 20,634 in 2022, compared to 22,945 in 2021.

The crime report is compiled by the Attorney General’s Criminal Statistical Analysis Center (SAC) and is the most accurate and comprehensive compilation of South Dakota criminal statistics as it reflects the actual arrest and reporting information by South Dakota law enforcement. Criminal statistics help identify trends in criminal activity that assists in crime prevention and enforcement efforts across South Dakota.

“We know that crime can always be found in our communities,” said Attorney General Jackley. “These numbers help law enforcement agencies and governing lawmakers provide the resources we need to deal with trends in criminal activity.”

Other category numbers indicate:

*** There were 21 homicides reported in 2022 compared to 20 in 2021.

*** Aggravated assaults were 2,176 in 2022, up from 2,109 in 2021.

*** DUI arrests were 5,391 in 2022, down from 5,653 in 2021.

*** Total drug offenses were at 6,253 compared to 6,766 in 2021.

*** Drug offenses involving methamphetamine were 3,536 in 2022, down from 3,678 in 2022.

*** Fentanyl offenses are included in the “Other Narcotics” category. There were 218 such other narcotics offenses reported in 2022, compared to 169 in 2021.