Man in Sioux Falls Arrested After Threatening to Shoot Nearby Painters

A Sioux Falls man has been arrested for aggravated assault after threatening local painters with a firearm magazine.

Anthony James Barrera was arrested on Saturday, July 15 in the 200 block area of S. Spring Avenue in Sioux Falls.

He appeared to be under the influence and was offered lunch by a group of painters working nearby.

While eating with them, Barrera asked about their English proficiency. When they mentioned their limited English skills, Barrera allegedly pointed what appeared to be a gun at them and threatened to kill them, claiming affiliation with a cartel.

However, it was later discovered that Barrera did not possess a gun, but had two firearm magazines, with one of them loaded.

Authorities confirmed that Barrera had no connection to the painters he threatened.

Sioux Falls Police has charged Barrera with four counts of aggravated assault.