South Dakota Homeschooling Sees Significant Surge in Recent Years

A recent analysis by The Washington Post revealed that South Dakota witnessed one of the highest percentage increases in the number of students receiving lessons in homeschooling settings instead of public K-12 schools in recent years.

The state saw a remarkable 94% increase, ranking it third-highest in the nation, with the District of Columbia leading at 108%, followed by New York at 103%. South Dakota’s legislative changes and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic are credited as factors behind this surge in homeschooling.

The state’s Department of Education reported a notable rise in alternative instruction students, emphasizing the importance of parental choice in education.

The article also highlights the broader trend of parents having more tools and flexibility to teach their children at home, leading to an increase in homeschooling.

Mount Vernon was the only public-school district in South Dakota without an alternative-instruction student during the 2022-23 school year, according to the department. The department provides instructions for home-schooling on a webpage.