South Dakota Students to Join NASA Mission for Upcoming Solar Eclipse

Students from South Dakota Mines, Spearfish High School, Lakota Tech, and Newcastle, Wyoming, are gearing up to travel to New Mexico to participate in a NASA project during an upcoming solar eclipse in one month.

Peggy Norris, a seasoned eclipse enthusiast and former deputy director of education at the Sanford Underground Lab, will lead the expedition.

NASA has specific goals for collecting scientific data during the eclipse, focusing on changes in atmospheric conditions and activities at high altitudes.

Although launching a balloon in New Mexico’s challenging terrain may pose some difficulties, Norris and the students are excited for the unique experience.

This eclipse is an annular one, creating a “ring of fire” rather than a total eclipse, adding to the novelty of the event.

The students also plan to set up a livestream for people outside the eclipse path to witness the event on October 14.