Trial set for man charged with killing daughter’s boyfriend

ABERDEEN, S.D. (AP) — A South Dakota man is set for trial in the death of his daughter’s boyfriend in January 2020.

Jury selection is scheduled to begin Monday in the case of Jarrett Jones, who is charged with murder in the shooting death of 28-year-old Jon Schumacher. Authorities say surveillance video shows that Schumacher was shot once and fell to the ground, and then was shot a second time shortly after he reached toward his pocket.

Schumacher was dating Makayla Jones, the daughter of Jarrett Jones. On the evening before his death, Schumacher had been driving Jarrett Jones’ truck and was arrested for drunken driving. Jones, 50, of Bath, eventually recovered the pickup and took it back to his shop, according to court documents.

When he was released from custody, Schumacher went to Jones’ home to see Makayla in the early morning hours of Jan. 2, 2020. That’s when the altercation ensued.

In reporting the incident, Jones claimed he feared Schumacher was going to harm his daughter and that he also felt threatened.

Defense attorney Marshall Lovrien has submitted motions to dismiss the case, one based on a new law that went into effect in 2021. It provides criminal immunity if a person uses deadly force in certain instances that include self-defense and defending another person.