KORN will travel to area counties highlighting the achievements of 4H participants.
4H Achievements Days coverage on kornradio.com is supported by:
Agland Coop – All Locations
CHS – Farmers Alliance
Ethan Coop Lumber
Hefty Seed Company
Iverson’s of Mitchell & Huron
Mitchell Technical College
Northwest Veterinary Supply
Runnings Farm & Fleet
Agronomy Plus, Rock Creek in Howard, Valley Station in Armour
To listen to his conversations with the participants click on the individual county.
4H Achievements Days coverage on kornradio.com is supported by:
Canistota Good Samaritan Society
Canova Service Center
Central Farmers Coop
Decision Ag
Feathers at the Ranch
Feldhaus Trucking
Fink Law Office
Larry’s Service Station
Scheetz Implement
Security State Bank of Alexandria
Southeastern Electric
Total Stop of Canistota
Tusha Ag Center
SD Corn
A1 Al’s Pheasant Ranch
Bonafide Real Estate
Feterl’s Meats
Gessner Welding
Kinzley Funeral Home
C&B Operations of Freeman
CMC Excavation
Pulse Electric

Bentley Van Emmerick

Claire Rowley
Kynzie Lueth
Tucker Peterson