A family of five from Illinois is getting its first Rodeo experience compliments of the Corn Palace Stampede Rodeo Committee and the Mitchell Area Chamber of Commerce. Sheriff Steve Harr executed a traffic stop on the Hauri family Thursday morning. Driver Harry Hauri the Third feared the worst. “Oh man, I’m on vacation, I’m getting a ticket, I don’t know what I did, and I just pulled over, said Hauri.
“And then his wife started yelling at him right away, ‘what are you doing?’”, said Megan Hauri, his wife.

But it all worked out for Harry, his wife Megan and their children 11 year old Harry Winston the Fourth, 9 year old daughter Anna Lynn and 7 year old Lincoln.
They received lunch at The Depot, rodeo passes for the Crows Nest, a night stay at the Comfort Inn, a gift basket from the Chamber of Commerce and the Key to the City from Mayor Everson.
The Hauri’s plan to continue west to the Black Hills on Friday.